Tokens are used on the Connect Community by members to access community products and services. These are generally non-redeemable but transferrable and divisible except in the case of Combo tokens which may be non fungible in that they represent a very specific basket of tokens, products or services.
In the case of combo tokens, they are typically used for pricing a basket of benefits or basket of products and services available from participating Connect Community Members. Upon purchase of a combo token the constituents are allocated in real time to the beneficiary. Whereas a combo token may not be divisible, its constituents or component parts may be individually divisible and transferrable. A combo token for example may contain 1 cinema ticket, a taxi ride, and a meal at a specific restaurant. Individual transferability of constituents means that once the combo token is purchased, the taxi ride and cinema ticket could be transferred to one individual who could use the taxi ride to go to a cinema to watch a film with the cinema ticket. The meal could be transferred to another individual who could to for a meal at the restaurant.
A combo token could also be paid for with more than one currency or tokens. In this example there is a fiat cost of USD 70 and a digital currency cost of 1 Lumi (AKL 1.0).
The combo token enables the buyer to earn other divisible and transferrable tokens or crypto currencies.
In this case the price of the combo token is used for the purpose of providing community members access to a basket of products and services or tokens which can be used to further access products and services at participating merchant outlets. This combo token for example contains 50 USX tokens which are divisible and transferrable with 1 USX representing approximately 1 USD. The USX tokens can therefore be used to access groceries at participating retailers.