- Visit https://connect.swifin.com
- Click on “Click here to register” button
- Enter the initial basic information and click “Register”.
4. Select the membership level by clicking on the “Select” link against Standard Free.
5. Click “Submit and Confirm” to complete.
6. Click “Done” and you will be presented with the page below.
7. Click “Back to Community” and enter your username (or email address) and password to login. If you have already verified your email address by clicking on the relevant link in verification email sent to you then you will be able to login. If you have not yet verified your email address you will see a screen similar to the one below. At this point please go to your email inbox and activate your email address.
8. The activation email may look like this. Click on the activation link.
9. Once you activate your email address you will be able to login into Swifin Connect Community. Congratulations. This is the start of your journey with accessing Swifin services. Go to your profile and make sure you update your information. More details will be requested as necessary depending on the services you require from Partner Institutions.
Please note that depending on the services you may require from Partner Institutions, your application will be checked and you may be asked to provide more information as needed. Applications submitted without the correct information will be rejected. If your application is rejected, you will need to login and make sure you have provided the required information and contact the support team or your service provider so that your application can be reviewed again.