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Forgot Swifin Connect password

Please note that you require a new username and password to access Swifin Connect even if you already have a Swifin Account. If you have not already registered on Swifin Connect please click here now to register.

If you already have a connect account and you have forgotten your password please follow these steps to recover your password.

  1. Get online now at You will see a screen such the one below.
image 7

2. Click on “Forgot Password” link to display a page like the one below.

image 8

3. Enter your registered email address and click “Submit” . You will be presented with a page such as the one below.

image 9

3. Please go your email inbox and follow the instructions in the email to complete the password recovery process.

Please note that for this to work you must have registered and verified a valid email address which you can still access.