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Rejected Account

What does a Rejected Account status mean?

This means that your account has been reviewed and the reviewer has taken the decision to reject your Account. There are a number things you should know about a pending account.

  1. You will not receive the next stimulus payment.
  2. You will not be able to move the money in a Rejected Account.
  3. You will not be able to buy goods and services from other members of the Swifin Platform.
  4. The account is likely in the queue awaiting for you update your profile so that it can be reviewed again.
  5. Once you update your information, it is your responsibility to request from the support team that your account should be reviewed again.

Please note that Rejected Accounts are not automatically reviewed again. You must contact the support team to initiate another review process. This may involve bringing the Account into a Pending state again as though it is a new application. Remember there is a very high demand and it may take upto two weeks to review your Account again.