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Swifin IgoroTeam

Current Status
Not Enrolled
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Group Description
This is the official group for all Coordinators in Igoro Ward in Benue State in Nigeria. This group is by invitation only. It will typically be managed by the LGA leadership team. Its Parent Group will always be the Apa LGA Team group.

The Leadership Team within this group will lead the coordination of members and member activities across the County in an effort to drive and deliver inclusive access for all and the use of a common instrument for exchanging value in real time across the Ward membership and across the state, national and global network.

The leadership will report to the LGA Leadership Team.This is the official group for all Coordinators in Saghev Ward in Benue State in Nigeria. This group is by invitation only. It will typically be managed by the LGA leadership team. Its Parent Group will always be the Guma LGA Team group.

The Leadership Team within this group will lead the coordination of members and member activities across the County in an effort to drive and deliver inclusive access for all and the use of a common instrument for exchanging value in real time across the Ward membership and across the state, national and global network.

The leadership will report to the LGA Leadership Team.
This is the official group for all Coordinators in Apa Ward in Benue State in Nigeria. This group is by invitation only. It will typically be managed by the LGA leadership team. Its Parent Group will always be the Apa LGA Team group.

The Leadership Team within this group will lead the coordination of members and member activities across the County in an effort to drive and deliver inclusive access for all and the use of a common instrument for exchanging value in real time across the Ward membership and across the state, national and global network.

The leadership will report to the LGA Leadership Team.This is the official group for all Coordinators in Saghev Ward in Benue State in Nigeria. This group is by invitation only. It will typically be managed by the LGA leadership team. Its Parent Group will always be the Apa LGA Team group.

The Leadership Team within this group will lead the coordination of members and member activities across the County in an effort to drive and deliver inclusive access for all and the use of a common instrument for exchanging value in real time across the Ward membership and across the state, national and global network.

The leadership will report to the LGA Leadership Team.

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Current Year Awards

# Name Gold Star Social Medal
1 Stanley Afondo Siali avatarStanley Afondo Siali 2 2
2 Peter Siziba avatarPeter Siziba 3 1
3 Eunice Siziba avatarEunice Siziba 3 1
5 Peter Siziba avatarPeter Siziba 3 1

