100000SDC is a Swifin Dynamic Coupon with a combined or hybrid face value of USD 100000.00 at the time of purchase. The face value is measured in USD terms on a basis of 50% in USD and 50% in AKL at AKL/USD peg rate of AKL1.0Â = USD 15.96.Â
Cost: USD50000 + AKL313.283208
Purpose: SDCs are the transactional instruments for exchanging goods and services via Swifin Transact without the need to calculate the underlying component value at the point of exchange. Merchants on the Swifin Market place and community members will access the underlying component value at all times irrespective of the currency of transaction via Swifin Transact.
Michael Ugoh –
I want to buy this SDC. So how do I go about it?
Michael Ugoh –
My problem here is that, i have try to buy the SDC but to no avail, the way to the success is not common to me. I need more explanation on how to buy the SDC.