AKL Auction

(2 customer reviews)

$ 15.96

This is a sample AKL auction where the seller has set a base price of USD15.960000.  Willing buyers at the base price can buy immediately as long as there is no higher bid.

1 in stock

Swifin Connect


(17 Reviews)


This is a sample AKL auction where the seller can set a base minimum price they are willing to accept and then allow the community to bit higher so that the highest bidder during the auction period wins.

2 reviews for AKL Auction

  1. Thierno Abdourahmane Seydi avatar

    Thierno Abdourahmane Seydi

    c’est important cela va permettre la communauté d’utilisé leur AKL et avoir un bénéfice

  2. Terence Siziba avatar

    Terence Siziba

    Fantastic well done swifin management

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